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    IECI srl

    Via Nervi 13


    +39 030 6850370

    It is necessary to maintain water in a liquid state even at higher temperatures to obtain an effective and efficient thermal regulation and to avoid scale formation.Precipitation of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate (main components of the incrustation commonly known as LIMESTONE) is directly linked to temperature increase and is at its maximum near the evaporation point. Water thermoregulation plants must be equipped with especially reliable devices to ensure the lowest possible pressurization in relation to the maximum temperature attainable. The most significant water properties for thermoregulation include: It is therefore possible to utilise suitably filtered water from cooling towers, wells, closed cooled circuits. the highest specific heat among common substances (1 Kcal/Kg/°C), which remains constant as temperature changes;the heat transmission coefficient by convection is nearly double the value of oily fluids;best heat transmission by conduction, compared to oily fluids;heat transfer properties remain constant throughout a wide range of temperatures (unlike oily fluids, whose specific heat increases and whose heat transfer capacity decreases as temperature rises);non flammability;low cost: the water to be used is not required to have specific chemical properties except for a total hardness between 10 and 20°F (average hardness).

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